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The Art of Innovation

Oct. 03 - Oct. 31, 2018

The leaders of the future are creative leaders​. ​The complex problems businesses face today require creative solutions and the leadership to make them a reality.  

Every industry today is threatened by by the rapid pace of change and in need of leadership that is resourceful, adaptable and resilient.​ ​If you're going to have a job and a company that survives these massive changes, you will need to focus on the things that AI and automation aren't already replacing. Creativity is one of the top three skills you will need to survive the Fourth Industrial Revolution.

The good news is you already have all  the creativity you need: It's within you and your team, but you have to give it an opportunity to come out. The best way to do this? Treat it like any other skill. Develop and support a habit of creative practice now, so that you'll be ready to respond to the next major challenge that's just around the corner (not in some distant future).

This is an accelerated program to develop a powerful creative problem-solving toolkit that can be applied anytime, any place. It is built around a unique structure including an online 30-day challenge and 5 weekly hands-on workshops that provide a deep dive into a different themes. The structure allows for personal skill development as well as culling insights for immediate application in the workplace.  

Dates: 9 a.m.-noon, Oct. 3-31 (Wednesdays)

Cost: $1,200 due in full at registration. A 10 percent discount is available at registration to VCU alumni and anyone who registers by Sept. 3. Discounts can not be combined. Discount codes are provided at registration. Cost includes breakfast, lunch, parking and all materials.

Learn more and register online.


Center for Corporate Education, Snead Hall, 301 W. Main St., Room B3189, Richmond, VA 23284


Katybeth Lee
(804) 828-3165

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