Rebecca Snead (B.S.'85/P) won the MCVAA Outstanding Alumnus Award.Snead is accompanied by her son, Robert, and her husband, Robert.
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Dr. Frederick T. Given Jr. (M.D.'53/M) won the MCVAA Hodges-Kay Service Award.
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School of Dentistry
Dr. Rodney Klima (D.D.S.'74/D; H.S.'76/D) won the Harry Lyons Outstanding Alumnus Award.
Dr. Claire C. Kaugars (left) (D.D.S.'81/D; H.S.'86/D) received the James H. Revere Outstanding Service Award from Ellen Byrne(B.S.'77/P; D.D.S.'83/D; Ph.D.'91/M) vice president of the Dentistry Division of the MCVAA Board of Trustees; and Dean of the School of Dentistry David Sarrett.
View past dentistry recipients.
School of Medicine
Dr. Donald M. Poretz (left) (M.D.'66/M; H.S.'72/M) received the Outstanding Alumnus Award from Dr. Jerry Strauss, dean of the School of Medicine.
Dr. John D. Bower (right) (M.D.'61/M; H.S.'65/M) received the Caravati Service Award from Dr. Jerry Strauss, dean of the School of Medicine.
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School of Nursing
Terri A. Gaffney (right)(B.S.'81/N) received the Outstanding Nurse Alumnus Award fromPatricia Bernal (B.S.'80/N; MS'91/N), chair of the MCVAA Nursing Awards Committee.
Carola Bruflat (left)(Cert.'98/N) received the Outstanding Nurse Service Award fromPatricia Bernal (B.S.'80/N; MS'91/N), chair of the MCVAA Nursing Awards Committee.
Barbara Deller (right)(B.S.'71/N) received the Outstanding Nurse Practice Award fromPatricia Bernal (B.S.'80/N; MS'91/N), chair of the MCVAA Nursing Awards Committee.
View past nursing recipients.
School of Pharmacy
Patricia Resto (left)(B.S.'84/P), who won the Distinguished Pharmacy Alumnus Award, received congratulations from Bronwyn McDaniels Burnham (B.S.'89/P (center), vice president of the Pharmacy Division of the MCVAA Board of Trustees and Rebecca Snead (BS'85/P)